Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Work out vs. Workout

Work out versus Exercise Work out versus Exercise Work out versus Exercise By Maeve Maddox A peruser who frequents wellbeing and wellness destinations is upset by an absence of expert altering: Ive saw that no one, truly no one makes a qualification between the thing exercise and the action word work out. On each site, I discover explanations like You need to exercise three times each week. So I was thinking about whether you could address that issue in one of your up and coming posts. The peruser isn't overstating by a lot. Here are a few models from wellbeing and wellness locales and discussions that I visited: How regularly would it be advisable for you to exercise every week? Ought to be: How regularly would it be a good idea for you to work out every week? Where do you exercise? Ought to be: Where accomplish you work out? To begin with, warm up with some joint revolutions, so as to grease up your joints and set them up forâ the work out.â Ought to be: First, warm up with some joint revolutions, so as to grease up your joints and set them up forâ the workout.â I’m a night individual and like to exercise around evening time. Ought to be: I’m a night individual and like to work out around evening time. A couple of individuals have asked me whatâ my work outâ routine is. Ought to be: A couple of individuals have asked me whatâ my workoutâ routine is. NOTE: One-word exercise is likewise utilized as a descriptor as in â€Å"my exercise routine.† One approach to maintain a strategic distance from the mistake is to search for words that go before the terms. The thing exercise is frequently gone before by an article or a descriptive word: â€Å"the workout,† â€Å"my workout.† The action word is regularly utilized in its infinitive structure, so the previous to gives a helpful hint. Here are a few instances of other thing/descriptive word/action word mixes that are befuddled along these lines: 1. turnout (thing)/turn out (action word) Enormous turn outâ for dispatch of new play zone Ought to be: Big turnoutâ for dispatch of new play zone We had numerous guardians turnout for the subsequent secondary school instructive gathering Ought to be: We had numerous guardians show up for the subsequent secondary school instructive gathering. 2. waste of time (thing)/wash out (action word) It is during this time mostâ recruits waste of time. Ought to be: It is during this time mostâ recruits wash out. Specialists worried over waste of time rate. Ought to be: Authorities worried over waste of time rate. Three all the more such combos are: rollout/turn out, checkout/look at, and pattern/cut out. I’m sure you can consider more. Here’s a mental aide written in pig purposeful publicity style (Animal Farm) that may help: Single word, Noun, Two words, Verb. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant Names50 Types of Propaganda45 Idioms with Roll

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Examine the economic issues surrounding the introduction of plain Essay

Analyze the monetary issues encompassing the presentation of plain bundling of cigarettes. Should this approach be presented - Essay Example Plain Packaging of Cigarettes The plain bundling of this tobacco item is on the other hand known as homogenous or conventional bundling. The normalized bundling arrangement of this structure includes evacuation of all the radiance out of the introduction of the item. The marking for the cigarettes which is communicated for the most part through the hues, the logos and the trademarks should be expelled from the pack of cigarettes that at last arrive at the client. The bundling ought to be finished with a plain earthy colored spread with the name of the brand imprinted in a uniform style in a foreordained size. Consequently there is almost no adaptability on part of the organizations in introducing the items to the end clients. Alongside that the packs likewise contain ordered data about the evil impacts of the item and the legitimate divulgences like the expense stamps. This idea of plain bundling had been proposed in nations like New Zealand, Canada and Australia since the finish of 1980s (Voon, Mitchell, and Liberman, 2012, p. 12). These endeavors were taken with the primary intention of lessening the measure of utilization of tobacco in the nations. There have been different inquires about done during these years to decide the result of the presentation of plain bundling of tobacco items. ... Financial matters of Plain Packing of Cigarettes For any ordinary great, the adjustment in the cost of the item will affect the amount of the item devoured. At the point when the costs increment individuals would expend less of that item. This is anyway false in the event of items which are addictive in nature. Indeed, even through the costs increment the amount of the items expended would not diminish. In this manner the value versatility of interest for the items would be zero. The financial matters of the plain bundling has been clarified with the assistance of the accompanying diagrams. The interest for cigarettes would be an inelastic interest bend (Tucker, 2010, p. 140). This is on the grounds that despite the fact that the costs of the cigarettes change the interest would stay pretty much consistent this is on the grounds that individuals by and large get dependent on tobacco and they can't control the sum that they devour even on the expansion of the value (Baumol and Blinder , 2009, p. 108). That implies the smokers are coldhearted toward value changes. In the left board of the diagram the interest and gracefully bends have been drawn. (Perloff, 2011, p. 33) Now on the presentation of the plain bundling of the cigarettes the item will lose its intrigue to the forthcoming smokers. Accordingly the smokers would be requesting less measure of cigarette. In this manner there would be a move in the interest bend for cigarettes. As it were the quantity of smokers would lessen. Be that as it may, the interest bend would stay inelastic in light of the fact that this decrease popular would not be as consequence of the adjustment in the costs yet the decrease in the degree of want of the customers to smoke. The interest for this item would stay confined to those individuals who are dependent on smoking. Hence regardless of whether the gracefully bend

Market analysis of reebok

Market examination of reebok Reebok the United Kingdom based predecessor organization was established in 1890 by J.W Foster, for probably the most ideal explanation competitors needed to run quicker (www.reebok.com). From that point forward Reebok has developed itself through different stages to get one of the main three market pioneers in the games shoes, wellness and clothes. The brands achievement is based upon its imaginative structuring and advertising system. The correct harmony between the planning and advertising has taken Reebok to such tallness. McDonald, M (2000 p.5) characterizes advertising as procedure for getting markets, for evaluating the present and future worth required by the various gatherings of client inside these business sectors. Beginning from its direct made shoes to the ongoing inventive Easytone and ReeZig footwear Reebok demonstrated its singularity, genuineness and its imaginative reasoning and potential. The organization was taken over by Adidas in 2006 which gave both Adidas and Reebok a solid piece of the overall industry to take on the regular opponent and the market chief Nike. In spite of the fact that the organization is dominated, Reebok and Adidas are as yet two distinct brands under the gathering. Reebok has a solid hold in US market and backers for various games like NFL, NBA, WNBA and NBDL. Marked as a limited shoe producer before, Reebok has gradually changed its face to high design, high solace and premium item by bringing its cost up in the market and joining new innovations for the games and wellness class. The most recent dispatch in their product offering Easytone and the up and coming ReeZig has got increasingly specialized and configuration esteems, the innovation which is really structured by a NASA engineer(www.corporate.reebok.com) and the re-dispatch of its exemplary models uncovers the companys change in center. Reebok in the mid 2000 began its showcasing effort with combination of Sports Music and Technology including ventures best e ntertainers of the period, from music industry Jay-Z, Daddy Yankee, 50 Cent; top competitors Allen Iverson, Donovan McNabb, Curt Schilling, Kelly Holmes, Iker Casillas and Yao Ming; screen stars Lucy Liu, John Leguizamo and Christina Ricci; and skateboarder Stevie Williams., and Thierry Henry, Alexander Ovechkin, driving pro Lewis Hamilton, MS Dohni and Nicole Vaidisova. Easytone the companys dispatch of the year 2009 is its one of the best product offering. Easytone include with first of its sort the parity unit innovation, intended for womens wellness and game. Reeboks duty towards ladies wellness and game is durable from its first since forever selective footwear for ladies Step presented in 1989 which fore fronts the oxygen consuming developments, and now the Easytone cutting edges conditioning of lower mid-region parts like the lower leg muscle, thigh muscle and the bum. Reeboks promoting approach for Easytone is take the rec center with you (www.reebok.com) which accentuation on ladies who were occupied with their normal life yet at the same time needed to keep up their figure. Hand crafted shoes are likewise accessible by requesting and structuring over the web, which gives clients the alternative of assortment and uniqueness. Advertising Environment Large scale Environment Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2010) portrays full scale condition as a power which is increasingly cultural and influences the miniaturized scale condition straightforwardly. The worldwide footwear industry is $196.25billion in 2009 with CAGR of 3.7% from 2005 to 2009(www.marketlineinfo.com). Reeboks global tasks and its essence more than 55 nations with various social and affordable foundation is a worry for its exhibition, with the current market situation where the European and American market is confronting budgetary emergency, Reebok has got its significant clients base in these areas it faces significant misfortune in deals, while the Asian market gives positive indication, Reeboks deals in India and china is underdog to Nike, however the rate commitment towards the income in universal money is low. Reebok faces legitimate dangers from its assembling units in South East Asia where they work with modest works in untrustworthy work conditions. When all is said in done the donning extras are progressively popular among the 16 to 24 age gatherings. The expansion in number of jobless and new alumni securing hard to track down positions among this specific class has caused a significant worry for the business, notwithstanding nations like UK where the legislature has expanded the education costs will be a significant political and prudent factor which influences the entire footwear industry. The expansion in crude material cost exacerbating things, which prompted low stock upkeep and unpredictable flexibly to the channel. The footwear business is constantly oppressed quick changes in client needs and the progressions are progressively situated toward the socio-social powers, Reebok adjusted to those varieties in socio social powers by joining the item with Music and game in US market, wellness and game in the European market and game and diversion in Asian market. Figure 1: Macro Environment Reeboks Easytone is structured with the innovation which is never been utilized and sets a milestone in the games shoe showcase. Easytone is intended to comfort with Moving Air Technology, while a large portion of different contenders do have comparative advances Reebok should investigate progressively imaginative and refined innovation which will be the extraordinary selling point in the serious market. Smaller scale Environment Each brand has its own remarkable selling point which focuses on the specific class of clients, all in all the footwear business clients can be sorted into Performance cognizant shoppers like sprinters, heart stimulating exercise, players, competitors, and exercisers and Fashion cognizant clients who purchase for style and solace. Clients purchase items that has worth and fulfillment among the range accessible in the market, Kotler, P et al.(2009). Figure : Micro Environment Reebok Easytone is planned and promoted to the wellness adoring womens section. With the procedure of propelling another item consistently with more current innovation and development, Reebok has consistently focused on the center gathering, thus as Easytone focuses on the wellness cherishing ladies. Reebok has consistently situated itself as client driven, which provides food the necessities and prerequisite of the center gathering, however it has the assorted variety in item when contrasted with its rivals. In view of the decent variety in its items Reebok has consistently been in ability to various rivals in various class and item extend. The principle contenders are Nike, Adidas and Puma. Reebok sells through different channels, which incorporates the retail outlets, Reebok idea showrooms, franchisee outlets and related supported brandishing association. Advertising Mix The essential goal of an association is to offer an item which has a serious edge or differential preferred position over its rivals, Brassington, F., Pettitt, S. (2006). This can be accomplished by showcasing blend which is concentrated with the essential research on 4Ps. Item Item the board has consistently been the center factor in the advertising blend, which includes the fundamental comprehension and the prerequisite for propelling the new item in the market and afterward creating it with the correct promoting technique which benefits the association and afterward producing in the correct manner which benefits both the association and the general public. The association should move its information into item which will be a drive for development, John A. Quelch (2006). Figure 3: BCG Matrix,( source:www.reebokeasytone.net) Reebok has the technique of propelling one center item consistently, and the dispatch of Easytone is for the year 2009, it was the crucial time to dispatch any new item on account of the economy, thus Reebok needs to come out with a solid item and showcasing procedure. The substantial credits must be so solid and the message was unmistakably conveyed with Easytone with its high style, plan and innovation. The footwear is inventive and new to the market, structured such that it gives us the sentiment of strolling in the delicate sandy sea shore and the science behind is the point at which we stroll on the sandy sea shore its difficult to keep the equalization thus we make a solid effort to keep the parity which thusly consumes the calories of calves, hamstring and the gluteus maximus muscles. Reebok has additionally guaranteed that Easytone is accessible over the globe and its perceivability is more in the retail outlets, which made mindfulness and furthermore a clamor in the market a bout the new item with new innovation and execution. Despite the fact that Reebok asserts hypothetically it can demonstrate that, by utilizing Easytone will condition the legs 26% more when contrasted with other game or wellness shoes, there are still contentions about the real execution of the item. Reebok broke the contentions with the complete deals of Easytone around the world, this demonstrated basically the quality of promoting technique by Reebok and the presentation in the market. Then again with all the discussions the general picture of the brand which changed over the timeframe from a limited brand to a regarded brand, added to the general execution, which has likewise purchased an incentive to the brand, Easytone has got its uniqueness and highlight to shake the market. The quality of the item consistently lies on its center advantages, the center advantage of Easytone is wellness in the straightforward manner, which is a need and consequently has its worth expectation a nd request. The real item which is based upon its center advantage is its highlights style and quality and as an expanded item Reebok surrenders guarantee to a quarter of a year and any after deals issue has been taken to RD office for amendment and therefore by giving the client the most extreme advantage and trust in the item. The Easytone can be delegated forte merchandise, where in a broad statistical surveying was done which gives client the most extreme advantage by utilizing the item. After the fruitful dispatch of Step in 1989 and Easytone in 2009, the two items have indicated its independence and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Joseph Biden - Eulogy for Strom Thurmond free essay sample

Acquaintance Every adolescent needs with be autonomous in their life. The majority of them attempt to avoid any impact from their folks and begin to connect with their companions. The invading topic in this book is that of all out autonomy. Banks utilizes the character Chappie (or Bone) as the hero in the story. He assists with building up this subject through his fascinating adventures.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Rule of the Bone explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The life of Chappie can be separated into three significant stages. The main stage is when Chappie is irate with the treatment he gets from his folks and ventures out from home. He goes to live with Russ. The subsequent stage is the point at which he meets with I-Man. The last stage is the point at which he is in Jamaica. This paper will investigate the character of Chappie/Bone and show how he is a powerful character. Investigation of the Character Chappie/Bone Chappie speak s to the advanced youth. He especially speaks to how they are probably going to respond whenever confronted with similar conditions that Chappie was confronting. The story begins with Chappie’s insubordination to his folks. He begins to take negligible things from the house so as to get cash to purchase drugs since he has gotten dependent on them. He says, â€Å"I’d about abandoned discovering something in the house that I could rob†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Banks 5). He goes to live with Russ, one of his companions. He says concerning Russ that, â€Å"I had this generally excellent companion Russ whose mum showed him out in the spring†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Banks 7). Chappie joins his companion and they keep living respectively. The underlying response by the peruser towards Chappie is feel sorry for blended in with outrage. One really want to feel for Chappie because of the conditions he is confronting. In any case, one additionally blows up at him on account of the choice he takes s ince it isn't probably going to be the answer for his setbacks. As he lives with Russ, Chappie relies completely upon him for exhortation and direction on the most proficient method to live. While the peruser is as yet irate with Chappie due to the choice he has made, Banks makes a bend in the occasions that follow. The peruser begins to see Chappie in an alternate manner. Chappie is delineated as an individual who is discontent with the sort of life he is living. He wants to leave this sort of life and accomplish something different that is valuable. This shows Chappie isn't as terrible as the peruser suspected. He is delineated as somebody with sincere goals. His lone issue is absolute reliance on his companion Russ. In any case, the relationship with Russ is fleeting in light of the fact that they separate after some time. The procedure of detachment begins when Bone notification an adjustment in their relationship. He perceives that he doesn't need to keep contingent upon Russ. He likewise understands that he is the person who settles on the greater part of the choices, not at all like in the past when Russ used to be the choice maker.Advertising Looking for exposition on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When he finds that he is done driving in dynamic in their undertakings, Russ chooses to end his fellowship with Bone. Now, Bone is baffled and discovers life troublesome. He says, â€Å"Because up to then for me living was equivalent to Running through some serious hardship with a gas suit on† (Banks 152). He searches for someone else who can permit him to lead their companionship. In the wake of severing from Russ, Bone’s autonomy begins to increment. He has figured out how to live freely. Afterward, he meets with I-Man, and they get to know one another. Their relationship is not the same as the relationship that Bone had with Russ. Rather than being absolutely reli ant on I-Man, Bone and I-Man have a harmonious relationship. Every one of them contributes something to their relationship, and none feels abused. Bone is glad to be in this sort of relationship since he feels like an equivalent in the relationship, dissimilar to in the past relationship with Russ where he was subject to him. It is around this time he begins to call himself ‘Bone’, implying his freedom. His life now is moderately tranquil. How Chappie/Bone is a powerful character sooner or later in his life, he invests some energy with I-Man in the school transport. It is this episode that changes his life completely. He understands that he can do things alone. He discovers that his companions shouldn't control. Rather, they ought to be individuals he can converse with, yet he should settle on choices about his life. Banks utilizes the connection among Bone and I-Man to show how Bone creates from being subject to companions to being an autonomous individual. Bone learns this through asking I-Man inquiries. I-Man can direct him on the best way to live freely, since he has been autonomous for quite a while in his life. Another contort that happens in Bone’s life is the point at which he begins to see medicates in an unexpected way. At the point when Bone was living with Russ, he used to take a great deal of medications, especially cannabis. This is apparent in Bone’s words when he says that, â€Å"It is astounding how quick great weed goes when you’ve got the cash to purchase it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Banks 8). Be that as it may, when he begins living with I-man, this changes. He can take this medication with some restraint and during explicit occasions, not generally. This difference in demeanor is additionally a perspective that delineates that he has gotten free. He is not, at this point dependent on this medication yet smokes it just as a method of unwinding. His dependence on this medication appears to end when their kinship with Russ is terminated.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Rule of the Bone explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bone carries on with an absolutely free life once he begins living in Jamaica. He can adjust to life there. He has developed so free that he can conflict with what individuals advise him to do and stand firm with his choices. His dad is glad to meet him as portrayed in the accompanying statement: â€Å"But he smiled, he really looked glad to see me and he stated, lemme see you! Lemme see what you resemble, for Christ sake!† (Banks 283). In any case, Bone doesn't permit individuals, including his dad, to impact him to settle on awful choices. He knows that he has a ton of autonomy however doesn't manhandle it. His dad likewise appreciates this sort of freedom and lives in a way that a great many people would need to live. He does anything he needs and wouldn't fret what individuals think or state about him. In spite of carrying on w ith this way of life, his life can't be depicted as a decent life. He is corrupt and dependent on drugs. Bone’s autonomy is generally apparent in this circumstance. He decides not to live like his dad. Despite the fact that he has a chance to live richly, he decides to carry on with an unassuming life. He accepts that a great deal of freedom isn't useful for an individual and can make one carry on with an adulterated life. He wouldn't like to wind up like his dad. While still in Jamaica, Bone chooses to return to America. The fundamental motivation behind why he has chosen to come back to America is on the grounds that he wants to carry on with a decent life. He is full grown and insightful enough to get that, the sort of life found in Jamaica isn't what he needs. In the event that he had gone to Jamaica before on in the story, he would have wanted to live there. Be that as it may, he has developed in all parts of his life and comprehends the vanity of such a real existence. Despite what might be expected, his companion Russ moves to Jamaica. It is conceivable that since he has not experienced what Bone has encountered since they gone separate ways, he probably won't have the option to use sound judgment in Jamaica. The time that Bone spends in Jamaica turns into the vital turning point of his life. During this period, he develops from a youngster who wanted to smoke cannabis to a grown-up who comprehends what is really significant throughout everyday life. He finds that he has an actual existence in front of him and needs to plan something for improve the nature of this life.Advertising Searching for article on american writing? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More One of the emotional changes that Bone makes throughout his life is the point at which he advises Russ of his choice to leave Jamaica. He means to return to class. From the start, Russ is stunned and neglects to accept this. Bone has found the estimation of instruction and that he needs it to carry on with a typical life, though Russ is as yet having a similar outlook as a youngster. He accepts that he needs to appreciate life without limit and that having some good times is the most significant thing. Bone, be that as it may, is a changed individual and is prepared to change his life. Taking everything into account, it is important that Chappie’s character changes as the story advances. He changes from being a reprobate youth and before the finish of the story, he is an improved individual. He is additionally ready to adjust to any circumstance he winds up in. The book finishes strong. Works Cited Banks, Russel. Rule of the Bone, New York: Harper Perennial, 1996. Print. This article on Rule of the Bone was composed and put together by client Ajaxis to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Why Are Benzodiazepines Controlled Substances

Why Are Benzodiazepines Controlled Substances Panic Disorder Treatment Print Benzodiazepines: Schedule IV Controlled Substances By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Updated on February 01, 2020 DIN / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Related Conditions Certain medications used to treat anxiety disorders fall under the classification of “controlled substances.” Benzodiazepines,  such as Ativan, Xanax and Valium, are a class of medications commonly used for their tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effects and are often prescribed for  panic disorder. Benzodiazepines are considered schedule IV controlled substances. But, what exactly does that mean? The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 For many decades, the United States has fought what is often termed a “war on drugs.” Recognizing the potential that certain medications have for abuse and dependence, Congress enacted the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. Over the years, the Act has had several revisions including: The Psychotropic Substances Act of 1978The Controlled Substances Penalties Amendments Act of 1984The Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act of 1988The Domestic Chemical Diversion and Control Act of 1993The Federal Analog ActThe Methamphetamine Precursor Control Act The CSA mandates that manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies and healthcare providers diligently ensure the safe and efficient delivery of controlled substances identified within five schedules under the Act. Understanding the Schedules of Controlled Substances Medications controlled by the CSA fall into one of five schedules. Each schedule attempts to classify drugs in order of their potential for abuse, medical value and safety standards. Schedule I drugs are seen as the most serious and Schedules II through V include drugs in decreasing order of potential for abuse. To understand what Title 21, Chapter 13 of the CSA entitled “Drug Abuse Prevention and Control”?? says about various controlled substances, lets look at a brief overview of each schedule. Schedule I Drugs and other substances that fall into Schedule I classification are seen to have the highest potential for abuse. They are also deemed as having no accepted medical use in the U.S. and lack customary safety standards. Examples of Schedule I drugs include: HeroinMarijuanaLSDPCPCrack cocaine Schedule II These drugs and substances also have a high potential for abuse, but they do also have a currently accepted medical use in the U.S. Its noted in the CSA that abuse of these drugs may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. Examples of Schedule II drugs include: MorphinePercodan and OxyContin (oxycodone)Ritalin (methylphenidate)Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) Schedule III The potential for abuse of Schedule III drugs and substances is lower than the previous categories. These, too, have a medicinal use, though they can lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. Examples of Schedule III drugs include: Anabolic steroidsVicodin Schedule IV This is where benzodiazepines fall into the controlled substance classifications. The substances classified as Schedule IV have a lower potential for abuse, but the risk does remain. Again, these do have medical uses and many are common treatments for anxiety and similar medical conditions. According to the CSA, drugs listed in Schedule IV are classified as such because Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.?? Examples of Schedule IV drugs include: Xanax (alprazolam)Ativan (lorazepam)Klonopin (clonazepam)Valium (diazepam) Schedule V In relation to the other controlled substances, Schedule V drugs have a low potential for abuse and they are common medical treatments. While the risk of dependence is very low, it does still exist. Certain cough medicines with codeine are examples of Schedule V drugs. The Cautions Regarding Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines are included in Schedule IV of the CSA. This would seem to indicate that this class of medications has a relatively low potential for abuse in comparison with many other types of controlled substances. Benzodiazepines do have the potential for physical dependency when used for long periods of time and can be psychologically addictive in some individuals. Benzodiazepines should be taken only as directed by your doctor. You should not increase your dosage without consulting your doctor. Also, do not stop  taking this medication without your doctor’s advice. Doing so may cause unwanted withdrawal symptoms or worsen your condition.