Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personal statement for master degree in english literature

For master degree in english literature - Personal Statement Example The romantic part of the story impressed me more than the historical situation which formed the backdrop to the novel. Later, I read the translated version of the book in my native language Farsi - once, and again several times over. Such is the power of this wonderful piece of literature. I read several other novels like Rebecca and Heartbeat and enjoyed reading them. I have read short stories of Guy de Maupassant and W. Somerset Maugham. Even as I was reading and appreciating them, I was evolving as a person, at times imagining myself in the roles of the protagonists, and many other times amazed at the closeness of the events/scenes/conflicts/characters in the stories with what I was familiar with in my young life. Literature is so compelling and true to life even as it influences and changes one’s personality and creates new dynamics in societies. The power of words and the art of story tellers cast a magic spell on me. Thus did my love for the subject of literature begin a nd made me to choose my academic path and career option. I wish to build upon my academic progress at the undergraduate course and achieve a higher level of proficiency in English and American literature. This is a natural progression of my chosen path and of a subject that is close to my heart. If I am selected to do this course in the prestigious California State University of Sacramento, I would consider myself blessed as it would enable me to achieve a much cherished ambition of even higher learning and acquiring a doctorate in literature in times to come. Compared to the scare resources and other facilities in my home country, this University of Sacramento has significantly higher reputation for facilities as well as academic ambience and guidance. It is this reputation that prompts me to apply for a seat in the University. Coming to the mundane issue, I have committed myself to the teaching line as a career option. Understandably, teaching and

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