Monday, May 18, 2020

International Business Ventures - 2671 Words

International Business Ventures Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects which the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to the decision makers. Being ignorant to any of the aspects can lead to a false representation of the project, and hence an uninformed decision being passed. In order for a business to survive it must grow. For growth to be optimal, management must first be able to identify the most attractive prospective leads. The country as a whole, specifically geography, government, and financial aspects must be looked at in order to yield the best possible picture of the market a company wishes to enter. Concentration should be placed on gathering reliable facts†¦show more content†¦The members of this team should be comprised of employees of the company, this is so that the knowledge will stay within the company. If the resources are not available for an employee conducted study then outside consultants may be used, it may also be beneficial to use a combination of the two. The first step in conducting a study is to design it by using project objectives as the base. During the second step the team must be staffed with people that have the ability to solve problems in any situation. In the third step the team should be properly placed and instructed. In the fourth and final step the product of the feasibility study should be properly communicated to the decision-making management.3 Table 2-located at the end of the paper-shows a general timeline that a company follows through the progression of a feasibility study. The design of a feasibility study first assumes that a company possesses the skills and resources necessary to be competitive in the market under analysis. Management must know the limits of its operations abroad. The operating margin for the expense of establishing and starting operations abroad should be easily recoverable within a reasonable time period. The design should also include the managements goals, which comes down from the investors of the company. The goals of management should be to acquire specific knowledge of the partner, in a joint venture situation, as well as the financial aspects, and the business-Show MoreRelatedEssay on Case Study on International Joint Business Ventures2416 Words   |  10 PagesExecutive Summary Attaining global competence when entering into international joint ventures, in order to be successful, is dependent on developing a strategic approach to Human Resource Management (HRM) that ties to Business Strategies and to the overall Organization’s mission, vision, goals and objectives. 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